Accelerate Investor Conference

A black and white logo with the words " electric 2 0 1 9-2 0 2 4 ".

Become a sponsor

Sponsorship Options

The Accelerate Investor Conference sponsorship packages are robust, ensuring that your presence and role in this fast-growing tech economy is known. Sponsorships that create awareness in this fast-growing region are going quickly.

Accelerate Investor Conference Sponsors will be able to

Preview the next generation of cutting-edge innovations, startups, and entrepreneurs located in Metro DC.

Tap into talent that will help with their next-generation needs—tech acquisition, business development, R&D expansion, and so forth.

Give back to their community by retaining jobs in Metro DC through investment in the most innovative emerging entrepreneurs.

Support DC, Maryland, and Virginia’s best and brightest students presenting their connected cities business concepts. (You might be supporting a future employee!)

Network with the movers and shakers in Metro DC’s next economy.

10% of any sponsorship will benefit academic programming of the Institute for Digital Innovation.